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"Typological On-Site Investigations" Workshop

by Luis Feduchi and Iván Rando, with the participation of Carlota Eiros and Ángel Panero.


The research center ROAD, founded in Australia in 2011 and based in Berlin since 2018, organizes this summer the 2nd edition of the Architecture Workshop "Typological On-Site Investigations", in Galicia, Lugar Fontao, near Esteiro beach, Lugo.


Under this title the workshop aims to develop the research carried out last summer in that region on A Casa Grande do S.XIX, a typology of rural housing that currently suffers a generalized state of abandonment and ruin.


To develop a working methodology applied to the typology being studied, the workshop includes two itineraries to study in detail and visit a series of exemplary contemporary interventions on the rural heritage of Galicia.


The full duration of the workshop is two weeks, from July 11 to 27, 2024.

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